How To Get Your Money's Worth With Your Planner
In the song "Diva" by Beyonce, there's a line that I personally love: "Since 15 in my stilettos been strutting this game." A more...
Alternative Time Tracking Methods Other Than Pomodoros
"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work." -Stephen King There's nothing wrong if working in...
How I Apply The Get It Done and Hit The Target Methods
The Get It Done Method The rationale behind this approach to time hacking is to focus on completing a given task, regardless of how long...
How I Apply Time Tracking To My Life
"What gets measured gets managed." -Peter Drucker The truism "time is our most valuable resource" exists for a reason, although it can at...
The Art of Using Breaks Effectively
"There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither." -Alan Cohen If there's one thing I've learned from...
The Best Productivity Trick I Learned From My Coach
When I was younger, I used to struggle immensely with executive functioning skills, including organizational and time management....