Know Thyself: The Power Of The "Egogram"
There's a concept that I learned about in acting class recently that amped up not only my acting classes that was revolutionary to me as...
"What is My Type?" and Other First World Problems
STAY IN YOUR OWN FRICKIN' LANE. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing. I think that they key to understanding one's type is to...
Art Doesn't Exist In A Vacuum: Business of Acting Field Notes
1) There should only be one objective in the audition: the performance. 2) US agents want to know how they can sell you. The problem with...
What I've Learned From Voiceover Classes (If Anything)
1) Commercials (particularly union) can be extremely lucrative because of residuals, which means that you get paid every time the ad...
Micro, Macro and Midi Career Goals
Please note: I'm not comfortable posting my personal and relationship goals on the internet, so this is strictly my professional goals....
The Single Best of Career Advice I've Ever Heard
To quote one of the best musicals of all time, Wicked, "I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason. Bringing...
Having An Abundance Mindset In Showbiz
"There's thousands of actors for every one job available." Actors hear these truisms constantly, and honestly, I tend to tune out when...
Conquering Demons When Creating Art/Real Stuff
We all have our inner demons, and truthfully, most of our demons are relatively similar. I think that all artists, myself 100 percent...
How I (Attempt) To Maintain A Positive Attitude Amidst Covid
Unfortunately I find that it's all too easy for me (and I'm sure I'm not unique in this way) to give more attention to the bad things...
Top 5 Life Hacking Tips That Have Changed My Life
1) Eliminate interruptions and distractions. Honestly, this is something I still really struggle with 1) Eliminate interruptions and...